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Let's make academic conferences affordable. One guest at a time.
The Database
Step 1

Gather hosts |
If you think you would be able to host a student or scholar in your guest room for 1-6 days, and are an academic or scholar yourself, please sign up to be a host. The button "sign up now" will take you to a form where you will provide the information that is asked in the above picture. Please make sure that you enter your academic (.edu) or other scholarly email address.
Update: We reached 250 hosts over 20 countries. Thank you all for signing up to show us that this project is worthwhile to continue. We are currently working on making our new database website, where you will be able to set up an account as a host, guest, or both. We are also drafting our safety terms and regulations, as well as our sexual harassment policy with a legal firm. Hopefully soon our new website will be up and ready to use.
Step 2
Make database accessible online|
Once I have a sufficient number of host volunteers, I will make the link to the database available online (as a host you will be notified). Your information as a host in the online version will be limited to your name, city, state, and academic position (information that is already public). The guests then can search for a host in a specific area and contact them directly.
Disclaimer: My role is limited to setting up the database. You will never be assigned a host/guest by me or through any other online form. It will be a one-to-one conversation between the guest and host. I go over the signed up hosts and confirm their emails online, however, I am not responsible for the safety of the guests or hosts. It is your responsibility as a guest and host to set up the accommodation arrangements/rules and select your host/guest.
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